Trail Information
Hike Los Padres: The most comprehensive source on hiking and camping in the Los Padres National Forest.
Los Padres Forest Service Website
Maps by Bryan Conant (covering the Matilija, Dick Smith and San Rafael Wildernesses)
Maps by Tom Harrison (for the Sespe Wilderness)
Big Sur Maps (for the Ventana Wilderness): This is a fantastic website with GPS files and interactive and printable maps.
Condor Trail Association: This 400-mile long trail will soon be the newest National Recreation Trail, stretching between Lake Piru and Botchers Gap.
To get on the Los Padres water info and volunteering email list, sign up here.
Books & Blogs
Hiking and Backpacking Santa Barbara and Ventura by Craig Carey
Thu-hiking the Condor Trail – Miner’s Journal
Historical Overview of the Los Padres by E. R. Blakely
Pioneers of the Upper Sisquoc River, Santa Maria Times