There are few things that give me as much satisfaction as figuring out the best gear for a trip. All the research that goes into finding the perfect piece of gear, comparing functionality, comfort, weight, and price pays off in creating the best possible experience on the trail. People often exclaim that they couldn’t possibly carry all the necessary gear or hike without certain creature comforts. With enough research, you can find great gear to meet your needs and your comforts without breaking your back, and that will make or break your experience.
The value of all this gear is just below $3,000. That’s a lot of money for a hobby, but when you consider how much people spend on vacations, cycling gear, or computer hobbies, then $3,000 sounds more reasonable. Most of us can’t drop $3,000 just before a thru-hike, so if you plan it right, you can get away with paying much, much less. Buying items on sale or gently-used second hand over the course of a couple years meant I probably only spent around $2,000.
My base weight (the pack weight excluding all consumables and worn items) for my upcoming 3 month hike comes to 11.8 lbs., or 12.7 lbs. if I include the trekking poles. Whoohoo! Considering how many electronics I’m bringing, I’d say that’s pretty good. After adding in consumables such as sunscreen, food, and water, my pack weight will range from 20 – 30 lbs. There are a few undecided items sitting on the sidelines: a Golite Chrome Dome Umbrella (8 oz) and a warmer, yet heavier wool cap.
Item | Weight | Price | Link |
Gossamer Gear Mariposa Backpack![]() | 27 oz *Came with hip belt pockets and a chest strap emergency whistle. | $222 | Gossamer Gear |
Zpacks Backpack Cover![]() | 1.2 oz | $44 | Zpacks Backpack Cover |
Zpacks Hexamid Solo Tent + 8 Zpacks stakes![]() | 14.4 oz | $430 | Zpacks |
Zpacks Groundsheet Poncho | 5.1 oz | $155 | Zpacks Groundsheet Poncho |
Zpacks 20° Sleeping Bag + roll top bag | 20.4 oz | $410 | Zpacks Sleeping Bag |
Klymit Interia X-Lite![]() | 6.1 oz 6.9 oz with the pump | $69.95 | Klymit Interia X-Lite |
Gossamer Gear Thinlight Pad ![]() | 2.8 oz | $16 | Gossamer Gear |
Ursack s29 Bearbag![]() | 7.3 oz *Update: I ditched this bag after Nor. Cal. and then wished I hadn't because the rodents were a nuisance! | $68.88 | Ursack Bearbag |
Jetboil Sol Ti Cook System![]() | 8.5 oz | $149.95 | Jetboil Sol Titanium Cooking System (Sand) |
Packit Gourmet Cook-in-Cozy![]() | 1.75 oz | $5.99 | Packit Gourmet |
Sea To Summit Alpha Light Long Handled Spoon![]() | 0.4 oz | $10.99 | Sea To Summit Alpha Light Long Spoon |
Sawyer Squeeze Mini Water Filter![]() | 3 oz | $16.13 | Sawyer Mini Water Filtration System |
MSR 2L DromLite Bag![]() | 4.6 oz for the 2L bag | $29.95 | MSR DromLite Bag |
Gossamer Gear Trowel![]() | 0.6 oz | $19.99 | Gossamer Gear Trowel |
Zpacks Ultralight Toothbrush![]() | 0.23 oz for the toothbrush and the handle extension | $2.95 | Zpacks Toothbrush |
Nano PackTowl Towel- Medium![]() | 0.9 oz | $10.95 | Packtowl Nano Light Towel |
Victorinox Swiss Army Pocket Knife![]() | 0.75 oz | $14.48 | Victorinox Swiss Army Pocket Knife |
Needle and thread![]() | 0.04 oz | ||
Mini Nail Clippers![]() | 0.52 oz | $3 | |
Black Diamond Spot Headlmap![]() | 3.25 oz | $30 | Black Diamond Spot Headlamp |
SPOT Gen 3 locator beacon![]() | 4 oz | $150 | SPOT Store |
Suntactics Solar Charger-5![]() | 8.5 oz | $129.99 | Suntactics sCharger |
PowerGirl 3000 mAh External Battery with LED Flashlight ![]() | 2.68 oz | $13.95 | PowerGirl External Battery 3000mAh |
Eversame Durable USB Cable![]() | 0.68 oz | $1.10 | Eversame Nylon Braided Durable USB Cable |
Smartphone: Samsung Galaxy S4 | 4.59 oz | ||
Lifeproof Nuud smartphone case![]() | 1.6 oz | $31.95 | LifeProof Nuud Samsung Galaxy S4 Case |
Joby GripTight Gorillapod Smartphone Stand![]() | 2.4 oz *Update: only used it a couple times, but was SO glad I had it! | $21.95 | Joby GorillaPod Stand for Smartphones |
iPod Nano + Roo Case![]() | 1.4 oz | $199 | Apple iPod Nano |
Noot Earbuds![]() | 0.42 oz | $8.99 | Noot® Classic Earbuds |
Halfmile's Navigation App![]() | 0 oz | FREE | Halfmile's PCT Map App |
Guthook's Navigation Apps![]() | 0 oz | $24 | Guthook Hikes App |
Travel Wall Charger![]() | 0.64 oz | $4 | Travel Wall Charger |
Homemade Plastic Cup Speakers![]() | 1.24 oz | FREE | |
Passport + Tyvek wallet with ID, health insurance card, and credit card![]() | 1.2 oz for the passport 0.98 for the wallet and it's contents | $9.50 for the wallet | Dynomighty Tyvek Wallet |
Sea to Summit Ultra-Sil Day Pack/Stuff Sack![]() | 2.4 oz | $32 | Sea to Summit Ultra-Sil Day Pack |
Leki Micro Vario Carbon Trekking Poles![]() | 15.6 oz | $179 | LEKI Micro Vario Carbon Trekking Poles |
Tevas Women's Zirra Sandals![]() | 6.7 oz | $69.96 | Teva Women's Zirra Sandal |
Montbell Ex Down Jacket![]() | 4.5 oz | $199 | Montbell Ex Down Jacket |
Montbell SPMW High Neck Shirt![]() | 7.1 oz | $89 | Montebell |
Icebreaker Everyday Leggings![]() | 8 oz | $47.99 | Icebreaker Women's Everyday Leggings |
Icebreaker Neckie (Flexi Half Chute)![]() | 3.2 oz *Also worked great as a head rag. | $14.99 | Icebreaker Flexi Chute |
Icebreaker Quantum Gloves![]() | 1.7 oz | $16.53 | Icebreaker Quantum Gloves |
Zpacks Mirco Fleece Hat | 0.95 oz | $12.95 | Zpacks Micro Fleece Hat |
REI Merino Wool Socks![]() | 2.86 oz | $14.50 | REI Merino Wool Socks |
Sierra Designs Microlight Rain Pants![]() | 6.5 oz | $45 | REI |
Billi Bandana![]() | 1.86 oz (worn item) | $18.95 | Billi Bandana |
Outdoor Research Spectrum Sun Gloves![]() | 0.6 oz (worn item) | $24 | Outdoor Research Spectrum Sun Glove |
Columbia Insect Blocker II Long Sleeve Shirt with UPF 30![]() | 5.36 oz (worn item) *Update: this was a fantastic shirt, but I ditched it once I hit the Nor. Cal humidity. I sweated so much more with it than without. | $70 | Columbia Insect Blocker II Long Sleeve Shirt with UPF 30 |
Asics Racerback Tank![]() | 2.5 oz (worn item) *Update: I loved this shirt! | $35 | Asics Racerback Tank |
Mountain Hardware Dynama Skirt | 5.0 oz (worn item) *Update: I started this hike in a longer cotton skirt, but couldn't stand it. This M.H. skirt was comfortable, breathable and durable. | $55 | Mountain Hardwear Dynama Skirt |
Injinji Toe Socks![]() | 1.52 oz (worn item) | $15 | Injinji Mini-Crew Toe Socks |
REI CoolMax Socks![]() | (worn item) | $11.50 | REI CoolMax Socks |
Merrell Moab Ventilator Mid Hiking Boots![]() | (worn item) | $99.95 | REI |
My only comment is that last year during my thru-hike of the PCT I started with a Sawyer Mini and found that over time (even with backflushing) that it slowed down to where it was taking 6-7 squeeze-filled minutes to filter 0.7L of water, and when I replaced it with the slightly larger Sawyer Squeeze regular it was much much better with much faster flow. Also the 16 oz. squeeze bag typically tears near the top nozzle after about 400 miles of daily use which I also replace with a 1L Desani/Pepsi bottle. Although you have to release the vacuum when using a rigid plastic bottle, I found it more convenient both when filling it and by using it to carry “dirty” water. That is, I would fill it up with stream water, cap it and carry it and only filter when I needed it later which saved me time. BTW, I never used the Sawyer filter directly attached to my drinking tube, instead I chose to filter from dirty into clean which allowed me to guzzle the clean because the Sawyer’s flow was insufficient to chug water which I preferred to do. Finally, consider Crystal Light Lemonade water flavoring as a water additive. I received it as a unsolicited gift resupply package, and found it a wonderful way to get plenty of delicious water, that is, to clug-a-lug 1L of water to insure you’re hydrated. Have a great hike! Sincerely, Tartan PCT 2014
Hi Tartan! Thanks for your ideas. Yeah, the Sawyer Mini does slow down a lot. I used it last year and found that I had to whack it really hard on the side of the sink between backwashes to clean it out. Whacking super hard seemed to get all the gunk out & then the filter would work fine for another 4-5 days. I also carry iodine tablets for days when I don’t have the patience for the squeeze filtering. And you’re right about those flimsy bottles- Gatorade bottles are much better! I’ll try out the Crystal Light- sounds yummy. 🙂